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Our Students Speak Out!!!

My Mentor/Mentee relationship with Dr. Michael French has been very helpful and resourceful. Dr. French has ben a great mentor to me for the past year that I've known him. Every month, we met at least once for an hour and a half or more, if needed, to discuss my goals for the semester, and to see if I am on the right track for my major and pre-professional development.We also talked about the areas I need assistance and how to find solutions. Dr. French provides me with resources to help us succeed by finding people, website and books to help us with our academic goal. For example, I am a chemistry major and I love the subject, but I had some issues with Chemistry during my freshman year. Although I was not failing the class, I was not where I wanted to be in the class. Dr French found me a tutor who helped me review the topics we went over in class, recitation and lab; the tutor also helped me prepare for my tests. This then led to me understanding the subject better, excelling and being where I aspired to be in the class. Not only does he help find tutors, he tells me about the classes I need to take as an undergraduate student who is preparing for medical school. Personally, I feel this is helpful because he was once a student like me who went down the same path. Also, he guides me and goes more in depth on what to do than most advisors will do.


                                                                                            ~ Iyunade Adebowale, 2nd Yr Student, IUPUI

Being under the mentorship of leaders at the 21st  Century Academy of Academic Excellence has provided me with valuable insight on how to reach my career goals. I have been afforded the opportunity to network with individuals on the same path as I am and interact with medical professionals who gave me sound advice. These interactions have been a source of inspiration to me as I continue along the difficult path of a pre-medical student. I could not be more grateful for the wonderful work Dr. French has done with this program and his sincere desire to see us all succeed. I hope to not only continue benefiting from the academy, but to give back, in some way, to those that come after me.


                                                                                                                                                   ~ George Hutchins

It is easy to become overwhelmed as a young adult with big dreams. Dr. Michael French and   21st Century Academy of Academic Excellence have helped me to develop a plan to achieve my dreams. I feel confident in myself because of the plan that they have tailored specifically for me. I have been provided with academic support in the form of genuine recommendation letters and connections that I would have never had the chance to make myself.


Mentorship is extremely valuable for any type of student. It provides motivation and a push to move in a positive direction regardless of setbacks. I always know that I can contact my mentor for anything, whether that be a recommendation letter or just to catch up. I believe that every student deserves the academic support that my mentor, Dr French and 21st Century Academy of Academic Excellence have given me.


                                           ~ Jordyn Moore, Indiana University School of Social Work, Bloomington, Indiana

I am currently a junior at Indiana University Bloomington studying microbiology and chemistry on the pre-med career track. As a pre-med student, I face rigorous coursework, strenuous internships, and a daunting MCAT exam. Many pre-med students are apprehensive about these things and are worried about the future. I can safely say I am not as uneasy as they are.


Many of my peers are perfectly capable of achieving so much in life, but will not for varying reasons. Some are too lazy, some are not sure what they need to do to succeed, and some don’t think they are ‘good enough’ or ‘smart enough’ to achieve anything great. I’ve come to realize that a lot of students do not reach their full potential simply because they do not have a mentor to encourage them. Fortunately, I was able to find a mentor.

I met Dr. Michael French in 2014 during a extracurricular program held at the McKenzie Center in Indianapolis. Originally, Dr. French was only asked to be a guest speaker for the class, but he became a lifelong adviser for many others and me that day.


Dr. French has taken time to sit down and discuss my progress in high school and now college after each semester. Dr. French offers guidance and assistance concerning success in high school, standardized exams, scholarships, internships, and post secondary education. He always seems to know what reference to suggest, who to call, or what path one should take to reach an end goal.


Without Dr. French’s mentorship, I would likely not have had the successes I have had throughout my schooling. As I begin my junior year of undergraduate studies I am thankful for the guidance I have received from Dr. Michael French. Soon I will have graduated and moved on to medical school and a career, but I know that I will always have a mentor in Dr. French.

                                                                                                                                                       ~ Grace Perkins

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